-The collection with nearly 50 tons collected per week on more than 400 points of voluntary contribution.

Sorting: 100% of the gross collection is sorted at a rate of 14 tonnes per day in our Saint-André-de-Cubzac plant. The quality of the various stages of sorting carried out by our teams allows us to obtain more than 90 references that can be reused (64%), valued (25%), recycled (10%).

-The marketing is done through our 10 stores Maboul located in new Aquitaine.


We are committed to developing our container fleet as close as possible to the territories we serve and ultimately ensuring raw material autonomy. We minimize our environmental impact, and sustain our local jobs.


Currently, Acitifrip employs 49 permanent employees. We are recruiting local people (including a female audience: 66%) to train them and integrate them into our production teams. We have created synergies with the various organizations dedicated to the integration of people in difficulty. We favor the creation of jobs close to the places where our teams live, allowing them to combine family and professional life. Training is at the center of our concerns both to ensure the future of the industry and to develop our employees.


Actifrip is a partner and acts with many unions in the Gironde: The SEMOCTOM, the SMICVAL, the COBAS, the COBAN Haut de Saintonge, Bordeaux Métropole, as well as many associations (red cross, relief of the people, CCAS of the communes, association of parents of pupils, restaurant of the heart ...)

You are a town hall? a syndicate ?
Do you need support in setting up new volunteer points?

We provide you the expertise and the engineering so that these implementations are carried out safely and are a real free service rendered to the population.
